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MEKTEBIM Schools Competence-Based STEM Curriculum

April 2018

"IBE-UNESCO Director, Dr. Mmantsetsa Marope, officially handed over the new competence-based Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) curriculum to the leadership of MEKTEBIM Schools in the Republic of Turkey (Turkey). With the support of the Institute of Technology, Economics and Diplomacy (INTED, Washington, D.C.), the IBE-MEKTEBIM collaboration was launched in 2018, with an aim to develop a Best Practice K-12 Competence-Based STEM curriculum for a chain of 25 MEKTEBIM Schools—a set of premier private schools in the Republic of Turkey.
The new STEM curriculum captures contemporary thinking and best practice in STEM education. It was conceptualized and designed by Mmantsetsa Marope (PhD), the Director of IBE, and developed by a team of high-level international experts in areas that comprise STEM education, including competence-based curriculum; futures curriculum; teaching; learning and assessment; research; 21st century STEM curricula; science, geophysics, technology, AI, ARs, robotics, mathematics, engineering, and design. Initial versions of the curriculum were piloted by MEKTEBIM schools in 2019 and refined in light of feedback from teachers, principals and MEKTEBIM curriculum specialists.  
The new STEM curriculum is aligned with the Turkish national individual STEM subjects curricula to ensure that MEKTEBIM schools meet national curriculum requirements, which indeed they must. Compared to traditional curricula that normally focus on individual subject-based learning with limited application of knowledge, this curriculum is distinguished by five key elements: competence orientation; big ideas; practices; integration; and currency and relevance."



Funding Source: SBE-UNESCO

  • Start Date:  2018

  • Duration: 2 Years

  • Total Award: N/A

  • Fiscal Agent: 21PSTEM Consultancy

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