Senior Research Associate
Dr. Steven L. Kramer is a Senior Research Associate at 21PSTEM with expertise in quantitative research, program evaluation, mathematics education, curriculum, and instruction. He has taught in urban and suburban classrooms, with experience as an elementary school teacher and as a secondary mathematics teacher. Dr. Kramer’s current work with 21PSTEM focuses on developing curriculum and assessments for the USAID grant the Education Consortium for the Advancement of STEM in Egypt (ECASE). He is also helping to design 21PSTEM’s new Keystone Graduation Initiative, which will focus on using feedback and other support to help prepare Pennsylvania high school students graduate successfully. Dr. Kramer’s research interests are in formative assessment, proficiency based education, integration of mathematics and physics curricula, and programs that promote active student engagement and students’ ownership of their own learning. He is interested in program evaluation, particularly design experiments focusing not only on “what works” but on “how to make programs work.”
Ph. D., University of Maryland, College Park, Curriculum and Instruction
M.S.Ed., University of Pennsylvania, Master’s Certification Program for Teaching
B.A. Georgetown Univeristy, Mathematics