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Instability in Education Systems, Randomized Controlled Trials, and Children't Schievement (PRIME)

October 2013

Funded by the National Science Foundation, the 21st Century Partnership (21PSTEM) is a partner in the effort with University of Pennsylvania to better understand district and state efforts to systematically capture the number of teachers who are leaving a teaching assignment both within a school year and across school years. Obtaining and analyzing available data to calculate teacher movement is also a primary goal of the project. Unlike traditional studies of teacher turnover, we are interested in documenting the extent to which teachers are shifting between teaching assignments within and across schools mid-year. We believe this type of teacher instability may have implications for how states and districts allocate professional development, for student achievement, and the evaluation of the federally funded interventions.


Co-Principal Investigator: Dr. John Weathers

Research: Dr. John Baker
Data Systems: Ms. Deanna Daugherty
Education Systems: Mr. F. Joseph Merlino
Databases: Mr. Dave Taylor



Principal Investigator: Dr. Robert Boruch (Penn Medicine)

Co-Principal Investigator: Dr. Andy Porter (Penn Medicine) 

Graduate and post-doctoral students (Penn Medicine)


Funding Source: National Science Foundation (NSF)

  • Start Date: October, 2013

  • Duration: 3 Years

  • Total Award: $428,763.00

  • Location: National

  • Fiscal Agent: 21PSTEM



Weathers, J., and Baker, J.Y. (2015, March). Teacher positional instability in the Philadelphia public school system and the potential impact on interventions to improve student achievement. Poster presented at the School District of Philadelphia Research, Policy, and Practice Conference. Philadelphia

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